Moringa: The Miracle Tree

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Moringa has been nicknamed “The Miracle Tree” due to its amazing healing properties. Many different species of Moringa grow in various countries around the world. Some that are native to Kenya include Moringa stenopetala (also known as African Moringa), Moringa arborea and Moringa rivae. These miracle plants are drought-resistant and can be found in the Northern parts of the country, and along the Kenya Lake System in the Great Rift Valley. The Turkana and the Njemps are among the communities known to regularly use this traditional herb. 

So, why is Moringa, out of all plants, regarded as the miracle plant? Well, for starters, this tree is exceedingly rich in various vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, calcium, iron, phosphorous and more! It is no wonder that it can be used to treat so many illnesses. Almost all parts of the Moringa tree are edible and can easily be incorporated into the diet. Young moringa leaves are a great source of protein and can be eaten raw or cooked. Mature leaves can be boiled in water and drank as tea, and the seeds can be used to make oil. Moringa powder can also be made from the leaves and roots.

This plant is used as both a preventative and curative medicine. Regular intake will keep your body healthy and protect you from various painful illnesses. Vitamin A in Moringa will keep your skin and eyes healthy, and along with Vitamin C, it will boost your immunity. The calcium will strengthen your bones and teeth and prevent painful ailments like arthritis. If you have high blood pressure, Moringa will help as it is a great source of potassium. As though this isn’t already more than enough, Moringa seeds can also be used to purify drinking water, given their antimicrobial properties. This tree is truly the gift that keeps on giving! 

Moringa is affordable and can be found in various Kenyan stores. How about incorporating this nutritious ingredient in your next meal? You can use it to make soup, tea, salad or even bake a Moringa cake! Let us know how it goes.

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