Paukwa? Pakawa!

Paukwa is a place dedicated to positive stories about Kenya. Our story house is named for the Swahili word that is an invitation to a story – Paukwa. It’s an age- old term, well known across East Africa. Paukwa invites one to remember the joy of stories from their childhood days and to get lost in new, familiar or unknown ideas about the daily things that surround us.

Each day ordinary Kenyans are pushing our nation forward. As volunteers, as SME owners, as creatives, teachers, farmers, counsellors, techwizards and more.  There is a bigger story as they build our nation each day through their tenacity, hard work, positive attitude, search for excellence, and sheer hustle.

Through their efforts we all grow.

At Paukwa, we shine a spotlight on the everyday builders of our nation and the history we almost forgot.

This digital storybank celebrates memory, culture, modernity, but most of all, the positive. Dive in and discover a story of Kenya you didn’t know you never knew!


One thing we know is that as Kenyans our knowledge of our country is sometimes wanting. With 580,367 square kilometres to cover it’s a big country! Few people have had the opportunity to travel across the forty seven counties that make up Kenya and so sometimes our knowledge of places and people could still be defined by a few things we learnt at school or by major landmarks,

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