
Stories: we are fond of them, we love them, and we learn from them.

You remember those days when you would travel upcountry and sit by the fire with your grandparents and hear the sweet stories from yesteryear, or made up, that stuck with you? Paukwa? Pakawa! Hadithi Hadithi? Hadithi Njoo! And then, with a bent back and captivating eyes, your grandfather or grandmother would begin the story of humans or animals, the folktales of how we got to know the things that are, how the animals of the past lived and behaved and perhaps mystic stories that tickled our imaginations through the night.

It is these stories that we have decided to remember; the folktales that have taught us lessons. We invite you to read these stories, share them with your kids, and answer the few questions – just so that we can see if you have been paying attention.

Without saying much more...

Hadithi Hadithi?

Welcome to #KeFolkTales

Simbi Nyaima
The Cunning Python
Nyaranga and Apelu
Why the El Molo
The Lazy and Unkind Man
The Rooster and The Ostrich
The Monkey and The Crocodile
Ina Hagadare
Why The Chicken Scratches The Ground
The Elephant and the Crocodile
The Elephant and the Crocodile

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