How familiar are you with the Sustainable Development Goals?   

Whether you can recite them with ease, or they are a foreign concept, it is no doubt these guidelines adopted by UN member states in 2015 are redefining the future of sustainability globally. These 17 goals not only highlight the aims being striven for by 2030, but they also provide clear indicators and targets to mark progress as this deadline moves ever closer. 

Around the world, organisations, governments, and individuals have stretched out their hands in unity to ensure that these goals are met. And Kenya is no exception.  

The pertinent issues raised in the goals include everything from poverty to climate change and even life under water. The goals are an urgent clarion call to make the world a better place for future generations and we are honoured to highlight 17 Kenyans answering it with zeal. 

Learn with us as we explore their individual journeys towards fighting for a greener, more equitable world and changing the lives of thousands of Kenyans in the process. 

James Kisia
Titus Masika
Amina Abdallah
Beryl Oywer
Ruth Khakame
Beth Koigi
Abigael Kima
Walid Kilonzi
Chao Mbogho
Caroline Makokha
Balmoi Abe
Lorna Rutto
Mohamed Adow
Albert Mwamburi
Dickson Kaelo
Sophie Otiende
Lina Ng'inja
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