Names have power. Just as a person’s name bears a strong connection to their identity and individuality, so does the name of a place. Kenya has an abundance of towns that are home to rich culture, diverse heritage, and picturesque features. Each of these towns is denoted with names so unique and distinct that they have elaborate origin stories. In our unending quest to uncover little-known facts about Kenya, we asked ourselves a simple question about our towns, “What’s in a name?”
To answer this, we’re kickstarting a new story series that will take us on a story journey around the country. As we highlight the names of our towns and their meanings, we hope to gain a deeper appreciation for the etymology of our African words and languages. 

We love telling stories, but we enjoy hearing them from you even more, so we invite you to share some of the meanings of town names you know about.  

Karibu sana to #MijiYetu! 

Six Central Kenya Towns
Central Kenya
Eight South Rift Kenya Towns
South Rift
Five Northeastern Kenya Towns
Northeast Kenya
Seven Southwestern Kenya Towns
Southwest Kenya
Eastern Kenya Towns
Eastern Kenya
Ten Coastal Kenya Towns
Coastal Kenya
Seven Western Kenya Towns
Western Kenya
Ten North Rift Towns
North Rift
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