March 18, 2019

The story of the Rock Python

#KeWildlife – Story 12 Grey, brown and bronze: a canvas of a unique kind, irregular spots blotched all over, and a triangular shaped head. One of […]
March 13, 2019

The story of the Wildebeest

#KeWildlife – Story 9 Every year, between May and July, the plains of Kenya are transformed in a wondrous way. We could credit this amazing phenomenon […]
March 8, 2019

The story of the Zebra

Ever wondered how the zebra got its stripes? Apparently we have a wise, old man to thank... However, not all animals that wanted to be zebras got the chance.
March 5, 2019

The story of the Spotted Hyena

#KeWildlife – Story 3  Crocuta crocuta. The name has a nice ring to it.  If we’re to look into hyena history, this animal is probably the best example […]
March 4, 2019

The story of the Bushbuck

Have you ever heard of the antelope species Tragelaphus scriptus? Or lets throw down a bigger challenge…can you say Tragelaphus scriptus?!  With dark brown fur the male Bushbuck exudes confidence. The female Bushback on the other hand […]
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