Located along the famous Nairobi-Nakuru highway in Gilgil, Kikopey is a Kenyan town that has made quite a name for itself in the world of iconic local street food. If the road stop’s legendary reputation doesn’t compel one to pull over, the irresistible smell of sizzling meat certainly will! Rising into the Rift Valley air, the aromas of freshly grilled nyama choma, mutura, liver and ribs call to all meat eaters near the vicinity. 

 From Modest Trading Centre to Booming Town 

Also known as ‘Choma Zone’, Kikopey draws its name from the Maasai phrase for ‘a place where green turns white’ based on the diatomite found nearby in Kariandusi and Elementaita. Although the name is rooted deeply in longstanding Maasai language, the stop itself only began to develop in 2004. While it is a bustling meat centre now, Kikopey grew from just four butcheries and two kiosks. Out of humble beginnings came a 24-hour economy and a town whose constant companion is tendrils of smoke – an indication of the meat constantly grilling over charcoal in open air. 

 The Kikopey Experience 

With more than 10 butcheries, Kikopey’s offering is simple: a belly full and bursting at the seams with goat, pork, or mutton. The allure of the roadside stop lies as much in the food as in the experience of frequenting the joints.  

Eager butchers confident in their meat grilling skills promise the most delicious meat – if only one patronises their business. Discerning buyers often taste the meat samples readily on offer, savouring the blissful blend of char, and rendered fat before arriving at a decision. Once you consider the sales pitches and settle on a vendor, all that’s left is to pick a seat, order a drink, deeply inhale the crisp Rift Valley air, and make merry.  

Image source: Foursquare

When the meat finally arrives, it is steaming atop a wooden board and sliced with precision as eager hands begin to grab at the soft pieces – the desperation for a taste of that first delectable morsel winning out over potentially burning their fingertips. Not skimpy on portion sizes, Kikopey meals may require you to open a button or two! Whether you prefer to mould ugali in your hands, pick at a plate full of chips, or dig into a mound of mukimo, the meat is certainly the star of the show.  

It is safe to say that the tasty and filling meals at Kikopey live on in the minds – and stomachs – of all those who visit. Being struck by a stray craving has certainly made many Kenyans wonder whether to make an errant trip to the town for its scrumptious meat.  

Are you a meat lover? Do you have a favourite butchery at Kikopey or has it been a much-needed stop-over on a road trip? Let us know in the comments! 
