The bow and arrow were some of the fiercest weapons to exist in traditional times, and those who wielded them were respected for their roles as the defenders of their communities. Among the El Molo, one such warrior was held in this high esteem; his name roused fear in his foes and courage in his people. 


Years and years ago, the Ilaote Island which the El Molo inhabited had two grand villages: Garas and Palo. Untulo hailed from the Orgagaito clan in Palo village. Ilaote was a peaceful place, and the islanders were known for their fishing expertise. The only menaces were the crocodiles that lurked in the waters of the lake now known as Turkana and the occasional wars that broke out with the neighbouring Boranas. A communal spirit prevailed in both villages and resulted in a blissful co-existence.  

One evening, after a long day, Untulo walked over to Garas village to visit his brother. His bow and arrows were strapped across his back, an extension of his being and a marker of his status. As he was on the fringe of the village, Untulo noticed some unusual movement on a hill that overlooked Garas. His warrior spirit kicked into high alert and from this great distance, Untulo made out the shapes of Borana men ascending the hill. Garas warriors, who doubled as fishermen, were out at the lake and would return in the morning to a surprise attack. The plan would have worked, were it not for Untulo’s incidental visit and his immediate spring into action. 

Using the terrain as camouflage, Untulo stealthily crept along the bumps, trenches and bushes, getting as close as he could to the enemies. When the distance between them had narrowed drastically, Untulo slowly reached into his quiver, carefully loaded his bow, and swiftly released his poisoned arrows one at a time. As his arrows made contact, one by one the Borana warriors began to fall. Untulo’s counter ambush as well as his lightning-speed attack caught the Borana men by surprise, and those who were lucky enough not to have been his targets fled as fast as possible.  

At the crack of dawn, as the fishermen returned to Garas beaming because of their massive catch the previous night, they were welcomed by a mortifying scene. Borana men who had lost their lives were strewn all over the hillside. Panic set in as they instinctively ran to check the huts, and relief flooded the fishermen when they found the women and children sleeping soundly. But who could have saved the villagers from such a deadly attack? Who could have unleashed a ferocious storm of arrows that took down most of the enemy warriors? There was no doubt as to who the sharpshooter was. 


That day, an incredible feast was prepared in honour of Untulo: the saviour of Ilaote island, the marksman who never missed.