The Bantu communities of the central part of the land which would become Kenya, were often at loggerheads during the mid-nineteenth century. The Aembu were no different. A relatively small community compared to their neighbours, they were often seen as an easy target for the larger Kamba community who would regularly raid their lands. Over the years despair began to set in.

As was the norm at the time, the elders council and defenders of the Aembu were all men. But then came one woman-with a special disposition who would stand out amongst everyone.

Cierume was born during the peak of Kamba attacks. She grew up as a confident girl and transitioned into an outstanding woman; lean, dark skinned and passionate about dancing.

With time she became aware of the challenges her people were facing, and using what she had she trained herself through dance to become a warrior.

When she felt she’d harnessed her skill to perfection, Cierume did the unthinkable and entered a meeting held by the elders. She presented herself as a warrior to defend the Embu from any future attack. While we don’t know whether her request was met with incredulity, laughter, surprise or welcome, legend has it that at the next attack, Cierume was present amidst taller and stronger men.

One by one, she fought every Kamba raider that approached her, overshadowing her fellow warriors. In the end, she came face to face with the Kamba leader, and he too, fell to the ground after Cierume displayed her wrath. As the attackers lay on the ground helpless, Cierume claimed his shield as her own.

She had defeated the attackers with a stick in hand. The Akamba raiders that remained fled Mbeere, disturbed and defeated by the skill of the dancing warrior.

Soon, news travelled far and wide of an Embu woman – a fierce warrior who wielded a stick as a ferocious weapon. Within Mbeere, she gained the respect of the elders and the gratitude of many. Yet there were others who did not subscribe to the thought of a female warrior and tension rose in the community. Some even plotted against her but Cierume remained confident and unchanged.

Her victorious life is celebrated to this day where she is remembered as brave and mighty, one feared by communities that never dared raid the Embu again.