Tuesday, 15th January 2019, started out as an ordinary day: people went to work, had lunch dates, chatted on mobile phones, went to the bank, checked in at the pharmacy. It was a day just like any other… until it wasn’t. The day became yet another that will never be forgotten in the fabric of Kenya’s history, sadly for painful, senseless, confusing reasons.
Lives were changed, lost, cut down and impacted in ways that will be experienced for a long time to come.
At Paukwa we tell stories of the Kenya we love, celebrating different facets of the country we are proud to call ours. This week is no different – we will honour those impacted by the tragic events of last week by sharing personal stories that bear witness to the attack at 14 Riverside Drive.
We share these stories:
Because this is how we show the beauty and power of the collective Kenyan spirit, exemplified through the extraordinary experiences of ordinary men and women, that was exhibited in myriad ways that painful day.
Because as a collective we are hurting and to acknowledge the pain we are experiencing is a first step to finding a way through it.
Because we need the stories to be enshrined in our historical fabric, so that we never forget.
Because we need to honour those who lost their lives in this heartbreaking tragedy.
Because we need to share why we say that even in the face of tragedy, these are the reasons we are #KenyaUnbowed.