Music begins with sound. The sound might come from nature, or an instrument, or simply the human voice. Next comes the process of arranging one sound after another to create rhythm and melody. This art form predates recorded history and has possibly been around since the dawn of time.
For thousands of years, there was no way to capture music except through live performances; musicians were the safekeepers of lyrics and tunes. Technological advances revolutionized this concept, with most of this happening on a commercial level within the last two hundred years. Finally with a means of recording songs, musical careers began to blossom, and individuals began earning a living from their talent.
Today, the music business is a booming industry. With over 1,000 genres to choose from, musicians have the liberty to create whatever kind of music they wish. Some of the popular music genres in Kenya include rhumba, benga, rock, taarab, soul, and chakacha, just to name a few. The popularity of these genres is thanks to past musicians that created lasting impacts in these spaces.
This story collection is an ode to Kenya’s veteran musicians. Those that paved the way for the artists of today. Those that shaped the nation’s musical culture and set the standard for what music should be. It is through telling their stories that we honour their work and keep their legacies alive.
This is #KeMusicians: Veteran Edition.