As a little boy, Tobias Omondi had a transformative encounter that shaped his path to sign language interpretation. Growing up in Homa Bay, he often came across a local vendor who was deaf. Not many people could communicate effectively with the vendor, but driven by compassion, Tobias’ father made an effort to learn sign language and bridge their two worlds. Inspired by his father’s actions, Tobias decided to pursue sign language further and enrolled for classes while undertaking his secondary education at Nyawanga High School in Kisii.  

Sign language classes offered Tobias a glimpse into this world of silent communication that existed beyond spoken words. At the time, however, his interest in learning the language remained purely surface-level. It was only after completing his undergraduate degree in special needs education from Kenyatta University in 2021 that Tobias recognized the opportunities and flexibility that a career in the sign language field offered in contrast to traditional teaching. It would allow him to work with different organizations and individuals rather than being in the same environment day after day. After his hiatus from the classes, he recommitted himself to the mastery of this language by enrolling for a certificate course, this time with the intention of building a career from it.  


Commitment to Mastery and Career Building 

Driven by this newfound passion, he embarked on a journey of exploration, scouring libraries for books on sign language, seeking out online resources, and engaging in countless conversations with his instructors. His eagerness to learn was matched only by his unwavering dedication to understanding the challenges faced by deaf individuals and their unique perspectives.  

Completing his sign language course opened the door for Tobias’ current position as a sign language interpreter at Signs Media, a Kenyan organization and media house established in 2011 to educate, inform and entertain in sign language with the end goal of enhancing deaf culture. Through his role, he has been able to meet diverse individuals and expand his understanding of the deaf community. Keeping his commitment to promoting inclusivity, Tobias actively contributes to the company’s mission of promoting social and talent development for individuals with hearing impairments. 


Championing Inclusivity Through Sign Language Interpretation 

As a sign language interpreter, Tobias serves as a bridge between the hearing community and the deaf community. Understanding the unique cultures, languages, and communication styles of both communities is essential for effective interpretation. Sign language differs from verbal language in sentence structure and writing conventions. Through his work, Tobias strives to accurately convey the meaning of messages while adapting to the cultural nuances and preferences of each community. 

Sign language interpretation plays a vital role in achieving inclusivity for deaf individuals. Kenya Sign Language has been recognized as an official language alongside English and Kiswahili. Public institutions are legally required to provide sign language interpreters. The presence of interpreters during public functions ensures that deaf individuals can access vital information and participate fully in society. Sign language interpretation empowers the deaf community by enabling them to understand government services, laws, and engage in important discussions. 


Improving Access: Society’s Role and Harnessing Technology 

Individuals and organizations can contribute to creating a more inclusive society for the deaf community. Understanding the challenges faced by deaf individuals and recognizing deafness as an invisible disability is crucial. Alternative communication methods, such as writing or captioning videos, can be employed to accommodate their needs.  

Technology also plays a pivotal role in enhancing accessibility for deaf individuals. Signs Media’s app demonstrates how technology can facilitate sign language interpretation, allowing deaf individuals to access interpreters remotely. Leveraging technology effectively can revolutionize accessibility, creating new opportunities and empowering deaf individuals in their daily lives. 


A Continuing Journey of Growth and Advocacy 

Moving forward, Tobias aims to continuously refine his skills as an interpreter and stay updated with evolving technologies and techniques. His dedication to promoting inclusivity and bridging the communication gap for deaf individuals remains at the forefront of his work. Tobias’ passion and commitment serve as an inspiration, encouraging others to create a more inclusive and accessible environment for all. 

As Tobias delves deeper into his work, he continues to unearth the linguistic aspects of sign language as well as the vibrant culture that thrives within the deaf community. By attending workshops, engaging in community events, and forming connections with individuals whose lives have been shaped by deafness, he is reminded of the power of communication and the profound impact it can have on people’s lives. 

