Pottery is an iconic form of art that displays mastery and meticulous craftsmanship. Among the Luhya community, the Bukusu have etched their names in the halls of pottery with their distinguished artifacts. Although an economic activity on the surface, pottery is interlaced with spirituality and culture among the Bukusu, with its cord tracing its way from the community’s creation story. 

In the Hands of a Potter 

The Bukusu creation myth begins with the forming of the universe. It is believed that Wele Khakaba (God the creator) fashioned the earth with utmost intention until it was perfectly cone shaped. He then headed to a westerly place called Mumbo, where he moulded the first man out of mud. He saw him fit to be an explorer and inventor, so he named him Mwambu. 

Wele then endeavoured to make a companion for Mwambu, and created Sela to be his wife. Soon, the two of them were blessed with many children who formed the Bukusu lineage. As earlier intended by Wele, the children were overcome with wanderlust and set off from Mumbo in pursuit of what lay on the horizon. 

When they came to Mount Elgon, their spirit of adventure was soothed, and they settled on its foothills, where they continued to grow into the great community they are today. 


Pottery and Bukusu Cosmology 

As a result of coming to be from the hands of a skilled potter, the craft of pottery undoubtedly became an ace up the Bukusu sleeves that informed their economic and cultural activities. The community has created a haven of outstanding pottery in Western Kenya. 

Pottery heavily illuminates the community’s cosmology. Places like quarries used for pottery are considered the source of all life, health, and wealth. Additionally, the community believed that Wele created the universe from east to west, which is why they coil their clay spirally in a counterclockwise manner. Additionally, the clay coils are put on top of each other to form a cone as a symbol of the primordial world Wele created in the beginning. 

Have you ever bought any artifacts crafted by Bukusu potters? What drew you to them? Let us know in the comments! 

