The word ‘monument’ is familiar to many. The Constitution of Kenya defines them as places or immovable structures of any age which are of public interest due to the architectural, artistic, archaeological, historic or traditional wonders attached to them. Without these sites, much of history would be lost to the marching of time.  

Our monuments keep history alive by reminding us of lives and events that shaped the shared spirit of our people. Remembering history not only means we don’t repeat it. It also means we acquire the knowledge and tools to forge a future blazing with opportunity. 

This series will transport you to the extraordinary events of days gone by that formed our unforgettable monuments. 

The White Rhino Hotel
The White Rhino Hotel
Old Mombasa Hospital Building
Old Mombasa Hospital Building
Cameo Casino
Cameo Casino Building
Kakapel Rock Shelter
Kakapel Rock Shelter
Jumba Ruins
Jumba la Mtwana
African Heritage House
African Heritage House
Lake Bututia
Lake Bututia
Nyeri Old Clock Tower
Old Clock Tower
Ngomeni Shipwreck
Ngomeni Shipwreck
Njuri Ncheke Shrine
Njuri Ncheke Shrine
City Market
City Market
Lord Egerton Castle
Lord Egerton Castle
Travellers Church
Travellers Church
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