Since the dawn of human existence, stories have been our companions, traveling alongside us through the corridors of time. Like ancient constellations, they have guided us through the vast expanse of human history, serving as bridges connecting generations and cultures. Among these stories, perhaps the most compelling are those that unravel the mysteries of our own origin.   

Many Kenyans know about the Kikuyu creation myth, where the genesis of humanity unfolded through the nine daughters of Gikuyu and Mumbi. We also know about majestic descent of the Maasai from the heavens along with their cherished cattle on a vast hide unfurled from above. Yet, beyond these well-told tales lie hidden narratives, equally captivating and steeped in profound meaning. 

Join us as we embark on a journey through the lesser-known creation myths of various Kenyan communities. These tales not only unveil the origins of mankind but also illuminate the significance of cultural practices, breathing life into customs that endure through generations. 

We extend an invitation to you, our readers, to share sacred stories from your own communities. Let the oral traditions flow, the narratives unravel, and the diverse voices of creation resonate.   

Hadithi hadithi? Welcome to #CreationMyths.